Can You Be Addicted to Poverty?

Posted by on Jun 1, 0201 in Poverty | Comments Off on Can You Be Addicted to Poverty?

addicted to poveryThe question in itself will definitely throw you off. Who would want to be addicted to poverty, right? Each one of those living in that unfortunate circumstance in life is trying to get out instead of being attached to it, right? However, the question does give you a chance to pause and really reflect.

Think about your current situation. Are you in a place where you are financially stable? Are you free from debt? After you have paid whatever amount of money you owe, do you remain debt free? If by any chance you answered “No” to any or all of these questions then a serious case can be made for your addiction to poverty.

You might ask, “But isn’t poverty more about a living condition?”

Well, poverty can be classified in so many ways, and one of which is your living condition. Let’s just say that you live in a neighborhood in town that is known to be a poor neighborhood. You struggle to find a secure job and making ends meet.

However, you can live in a decent house but still be considered “living in poverty.” Let’s just say you don’t have enough financial resources to pay for bills, food, and other household needs. You can even be living in a decent household, but you just don’t have a job.

In other words, there are various factors for you to be considered “living in poverty.” But being addicted to poverty is on a similar thread.

How can you be addicted to poverty?

It’s true that the question really sounds ridiculous, and even harsh, but it shouldn’t be. It is a question that is valid and needs to be answered. The question is, “Do you fall into the category of being addicted to poverty?”

Look at it this way: Do you live paycheck to paycheck? Do you have thoughts that go “I can never really get ahead in life.”? Well, if you do have these questions and feelings then you may be addicted to poverty without you even knowing it.

Yes, and it is not only you who are facing the same dilemma. There are millions of other people who are going through the same feelings and emotions as you. It’s just a sad realization that they may not even know that they are addicted to poverty.

Being addicted to poverty means that you do a lot of things that are detrimental to your financial situation.

Being addicted to poverty

Think about it this way: You already know that you are living in a very tight situation, yet your attitude towards money has not changed one bit.

Your spending habits are something left to be desired because even though you know that bills have to be paid, you force yourself to buy things you really don’t need.

You rack up excessive debt on your credit card just because there’s a sale in one of the malls, but you can’t pay for what you owe in the following months.

Lastly, you always demonstrate your lack of financial knowledge. At some point, you need to learn more about finance in order to make good decisions regarding your money. It is a topic that can no longer be ignored in this day and age.

So, can you be addicted to poverty?

The short answer, “Yes.” Always keep in mind that being an addict to something is being a slave to that addiction. However, the good news is that it is very much curable, just like any other kind of addiction. All of this starts with a change in your mindset. Start by admitting that you have a problem, and from there work out on a solution that will free you from poverty addiction.